Monday 26 August 2013


Well, the votes are in and Ben Affleck has been announced as our new silent guardian, our watchful protector…our Dark Knight. If you imagined an ominous score by Hans Zimmer playing during that last sentence you get bonus points. The Internet is currently exploding with nerd-rage over this casting choice, with many saying that Ben Affleck will do to the Batman franchise what, well, Joel Schumacher did to the Batman franchise. Ruin it. Though probably sans Batsuit-nipples – the world has seen enough of those.

Sadly, the Internet has given a voice to all those people who fear to tread outside of their parents’ basement in case of running into bullies or direct sunlight, and as such, the blogosphere is jam-packed with alternate casting suggestions. My basement flooded the other day, so I’m posting this from my living room – which means my opinions are infinitely more valid than aforementioned cellar-dwellers, so I’ve come up with some alternatives of my own.

Be warned, spoilers from the Nolan trilogy may crop up. So if you haven’t seen them all, get out from under your rock and experience the cinematic sensation of the decade. 

Okay, watched them? Good. You're welcome.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt


Casting JGL would have provided a nice continuity between the new film and Nolan’s trilogy; sadly, Christopher Nolan announced he wanted nothing to do with anymore Batman films and Christian Bale has said if the Nol-man ain’t getting stuck in, he’s out (paraphrased slightly). This means JGL would be the best hope of tying the trilogy and the new film together – unless of course Michael Caine fancies squeezing into the Batsuit (which I, personally, would love to see. Him in the Batsuit, that is, not him squeezing into it. Though come to think of it, I wonder what type of underwear Michael Caine wears…).

An issue remains however, and that is that JGL is Robin. Even if he gains 50 pounds of muscle and growls like cookie monster, in our minds he will still be Robin. And whilst the women of the world would no doubt love to see JGL cart wheeling about in forest-green hot pants, Robin rarely makes the jump to live action successfully. Just ask Burt Ward, who spent his early twenties capering around with Adam West. Or ask Chris O’Donnell – who is Chris O’Donnell you ask? Exactly. Robin is a ridiculous character, which is why he turned into Nightwing. And sure as the Pope is Catholic, if JGL comes back as Batman everyone will start whining that he should be playing Nightwing, because the nerds of the internet love to complain about shit that has no bearing on the real world.

Gerard Butler


This is one name I’ve seen floating about the Internet quite a bit as an alternative to Ben Affleck, and it’s not hard to see why. This barrel-chested Scotsman has the build for Batman, and he can definitely pull of action-movie hero. Though his 12-pack in 300 was computer generated, just like everything else in that damned movie, he nevertheless seems like someone you don’t want to get on the wrong side of.

But James, you nasally whine whilst sucking on your inhaler (NERD!), he may be tough, but can he pull off Bruce Wayne? Batman is gruff and silent, but during daylight hours he’s charming and erudite. Well, nerds of the Internet, considering that when Butler’s not starring in action movies, he does trashy romantic comedies, I’d say yes, he can pull off charming. Though, to be honest, I haven’t watched any of them myself. Seriously, did anyone even SEE The Bounty Hunter? Jennifer Aniston just needs to stop…

Ray Stevenson


My own personal choice. I mean, just LOOK at that jaw. He is Batman. Ray Stevenson won our hearts playing Titus Pullo in Rome – a man equal parts amicable and Batshit insane – just like Batman. Plus he seems to be about nine feet tall and I’ve heard he can breathe fire. Whilst this may sound like fanboy gushing (and it is!), I can’t think of a better choice. Sadly, his name isn’t exactly a huge box-office draw, and he lacks the star-power of Ben Affleck – but this could have been his breakthrough role! Damn you Hollywood!

And though he’s already played the Punisher, and Volstagg in Thor, might I remind you that Ben Affleck was Daredevil (which, in and of itself, might be the greatest argument against casting him). Therefore crossing the DC/Marvel DMZ isn’t an issue here, unless Marvel/Disney expressly forbade Stevenson from going for the role, which they may have done, as Thor 2: Electric Boogaloo is coming out soon.

 So maybe other people would have been more suited to the role. Ben Affleck might not be the strongest or biggest guy. He may not even be the best actor around (not by a longshot!), but maybe he could be a hero. Not the one we need right now, but the one we deserve…

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